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2 Views · 2 years ago

Stubborn fat is tough to get rid of, but these tips will help you lose that lower belly fat and love handles that just don't seem to budge. If you are stuck and can't lose any more belly fat regardless of how much you workout and diet watch this video it will help.
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There are physiological differences between regular body fat and stubborn fat. Stubborn fat tends to accumulate around the belly and love handles for men, as well as the hips and thighs for women. Stubborn fatty areas around your body just don't seem to burn off or change much even as you see the pounds fall off the scale. You might see changes in your arms, your face, and other areas that are further away from your center of mass while your belly fat or love handles basically stay the same. 

There are a couple reasons for this, one is that stubborn fat tends to have a higher ratio of alpha-receptors than beta receptors making the fat release at a slower rate from those last spots that just don't seem to budge.(**) These stubborn areas tend to receive less blood flow than regular subcutaneous fat as well. This means that even after you trigger fat loss with diet and exercise, and that causes your body to release the triglycerides that are found within your fat cells, Those triglycerides still have to be broken down into fatty acids and mobilized through the bloodstream to get "burnt off". So the lack of blood flow to these sites in combination with the receptors (1) makes it much more difficult to release and mobilize fat, making fat loss much slower from these stubborn areas. So how do we actually get to that fat and burn it off once and for all?

Well first I know it might already be obvious but you have to be in a calorie deficit to create the conditions to burn fat, to begin with. If you're currently not burning any fat at all, and you're not losing any weight off the scale for a few weeks or longer, that most likely means that you're currently not in a calorie deficit. This could be for a number of reasons especially if you've already been dieting for some time. For example, as you cut calories to create a calorie deficit, even if you do everything right, you'll still lose some muscle over time, slowing your metabolism. You'll also be losing fat mass over time. Fat cells require energy to maintain. So when you lose fat while dieting you also reduce the amount of energy required to maintain your body. Since your overall body weight or body mass will also go down, basic movements will require less energy further slowing your resting metabolism. So as you burn more fat and get closer to the stubborn areas, your body will require less and less energy, so you'll have to reduce your calories further. To drive this home this means that even if a macro calculator says that you have to eat 2000 calories per day to be in a calorie deficit and burn fat if you're not losing any inches or pounds and you're tracking your calories at 2000 per day, it literally means that the calculator is wrong and you're likely at maintenance, and you'll have to subtract calories further to put yourself into an actual deficit to continue burning fat, and eventually get to that stubborn fat. 

And that brings me to tip number 2 before you assume that you're stuck and you start restricting calories further, make sure that you're actually tracking your calories for a full week and that you're tracking them accurately. Too many times people assume they're eating fewer calories than they actually are. This has been a consistent problem for not only average conditioned people that I've trained but also for more advanced bikini and physique competitors that I've trained. So just spend at least a few days, and track every calorie including the condiments that most people usually leave out, the oils you use, and the sugar in the creamer that you add to your coffee. After tracking if you still haven't lost weight or inches during that week, lower your calories by about another 200 to 300 calories and you'll probably notice more fat loss the following week. Keep in mind this process of dropping more calories is something that you may have to repeat a few times as your body adapts to your diet. 

And that actually brings us to the third tip, which is to incorporate refeeds or calorie cycling to blunt and maybe even reverse a process known as adaptive thermogenesis. This is essentially a term used to describe your metabolism slowing down more than what can be expected just from losing fat mass and muscle mass alone. (2)  This so-called "starvation response" seems to be a natural response to the decreased amount of calories or energy that you're taking in. And as you get leaner and closer to burning that stubborn fat, adaptive thermogenesis is likely to affect you more and more making it feel like you're taking one step back for every step you move forward...

2 Views · 2 years ago

Are Fast Reps or Slow Reps Better for Muscle Growth? You're told to go slow on the way down, but is that really true? Find out what the scientific evidence reveals about the best lifting tempo to build muscle. Time under tension may not be as important as some people think. Find out whether lifting fast or slow is better for hypertrophy.
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Are faster reps or slower reps better for muscle growth? When you perform faster reps you can typically lift more weight on the other hand with slower reps you have much longer eccentric contractions which leads to more muscle breakdown. So today we're going to review what science has to say about which of these strategies is best to build muscle faster and improve your body composition    

First, we have to start with something known as repetition tempo. As the name implies, this is the actual term used by researchers to describe how fast you perform reps for a certain exercise. As I already mentioned most exercises include an eccentric phase and concentric phase. The eccentric phase refers to the portion of the movement where the target muscle lengthens. For example, your bicep is in the eccentric phase when you lower the weight during a curl. The muscle lengthens while maintaining tension to prevent the weight from going into free fall. The concentric phase refers to the phase where the target muscle shortens. For example, your bicep is in the concentric phase when you lift the weight during a curl. The muscle needs to shorten with enough force to overcome gravity. So usually you hear trainers giving the advice that you should go extra slow on the way down, and explode on the way up to optimize muscle growth. But is that actually true? 

Well in a study published in the journal of strength and conditioning research. (1) Researchers had participants perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps to failure, either with a traditional rep tempo of 1 to 2 seconds for each the concentric and eccentric contraction or they did a slow 10-second concentric followed by a slow 4-second eccentric contraction. Both groups aimed to progress as fast as they could in the amount of weight they could lift and the amount of muscle they could grow, which was measured through muscular biopsies which are considered one of the highest quality measurement methods for this type of test. At the end of the study, researchers realized that the traditional training group increased the cross-sectional area of the leg muscle fibers by 26 percent in type 1 slow-twitch fibers and 34 percent in type 2 fibers. Meanwhile, the slow tempo group only increased by 6 percent in type 1 and 15.5% in type 2. Based on those results, we can say that faster reps were better for muscle growth when compared to very slow reps.

In other studies, we look at something known as tut, which stands for time under tension, and essentially it refers to how many seconds it takes from the start to the end of your sets so it includes time for both concentric and eccentric phases. Most people believe that the longer overall time you have under tension the more muscle you will build and this is simply not true. For example, taking six seconds to do a dumbbell curl was proven to be no better for muscle growth than taking two seconds. (10) Another study found that performing reps at a fixed speed of four seconds per rep instead a naturally self-selected speed led to a decrease in both muscle activation and training volume (11) 

So does all the available research support faster reps only? Well, we have a meta-analysis (2) that evaluated eight different studies and found no statistically significant difference between repetition speed and muscle growth. With that said, when you look at the effect sizes for those studies, they do indicate that there was a trend for greater muscle growth for those training with a faster rep tempo. (3) There's a chance that the duration of the study was simply not long enough to detect a statistically significant difference between the groups. That’s why I believe this meta-analysis still indicates that faster tempos are actually better for building muscle, just as the other studies indicated. On top of that the eight studies that were reviewed in the meta analysis had many other limitations. One of those is that the studies were all performed on untrained individuals. You could question whether untrained individuals have the required exercise technique, coordination, and motivation to produce maximum muscle activation when performing an exercise faster; which by the way that's the main way that a faster tempo could increase muscle growth.

So why might faster reps be more efficient for muscle growth. Well, the first reason is that studies show slowing down your reps reduces how much weight you can lift. Meanwhile speeding up your reps can increase the number of reps that you can lift a certain weight. (4)...

2 Views · 2 years ago

Do these 5 simple things every day to build muscle faster. The key to muscle growth is consistency. By mastering the correct muscle-building habits and repeating them on a daily basis you can create a routine that's guaranteed to continue delivering muscle growth for a long time.

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Simply hitting the gym isn't all it takes to optimize muscle growth. What you do with your diet, and what you do before and after your workout is equally as important if not more important. So today I want to give you guys a list of what you should be doing consistently to build more muscle. And before we jump into the more obvious things like staying in a calorie surplus, I want to start with some exciting research that you probably haven't heard before, about the effects of eating olives. Now make no mistake, of course, it's much more important for you to ensure that you have your basics down, like staying in a calorie surplus and getting enough protein. But eating olives can't really hurt you and most people don't realize that eating them daily may actually help promote muscle growth. For example, Italian researchers recruited a group of people between the ages of 18 and 65 to eat a dozen green olives every day for 30 days. (1) At the end of the 30 days, the participants were able to drop an average of 1.7 percent body fat while adding over 2% lean muscle mass. This equated to an average of a little more than two pounds of muscle growth while still burning fat. Now that may not sound like much but it is significant and impressive because the people involved in the study didn’t make any other dietary or exercise changes besides consuming 12 olives per day. Originally it was assumed that olives could benefit muscle growth due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This is because everyone in the study experienced a reduction in interleukin-6, which is a factor used to rate the level of inflammation throughout the body, and they also experienced a reduction in free radicals. But, both of these things can happen just by eating more fruits and vegetables in general. So, the more likely thing that led to improvements in body composition was a compound known as oleuropein, which is found in high amounts in olives and olive oil. And even though we do need more research on people to confirm this, we do currently have studies on animals that show that oleuropein has promising anabolic and anti-catabolic effects. (3) Besides like I said other than taking in like 50 to 70 extra calories eating 12 olives per day isn't going to be bad for you. So feel free to try that or you can also replace cooking oils like canola, corn, and sunflower oil with extra virgin olive oil.  
Another thing that most people don't know is that consuming more cholesterol on a daily basis can benefit muscle growth. In fact, most people believe that dietary cholesterol is bad and that it causes heart disease, but that’s actually not true. Research shows that there’s no link between cholesterol intake and heart disease. (7) But if you lift weights cholesterol is actually beneficial because it can aid muscle growth. One study specifically found a dose-response relationship between cholesterol intake and lean body mass.(8) Meaning that the higher cholesterol intakes were associated with more muscle mass. As you can see in the graph, the more cholesterol they ate, the more muscle they gained. (9) And the participants kept protein and fat intake the same they only changed cholesterol intake. Now the limiting factor of this study is that most participants were older, but this isn't the only study that shows higher cholesterol intakes improving muscle growth. Several other studies also indicate the same. (10) The likely reason why cholesterol has this effect is that it supports membrane viscosity, muscle repair, lipid raft formation, and the production of anabolic hormones like testosterone. (11) now, keep in mind you don't have to go out of your way to consume as much cholesterol as possible. There comes a point where more isn't better... and consuming a lot of cholesterol might also mean that you'll have fewer calories available to be able to eat other nutritious foods. But to build muscle, it is beneficial to consume one or more servings of cholesterol-rich food daily, such as eggs, beef, or dairy."  

Now the next thing you should do every day, I've already mentioned and that's eating enough calories daily. Guys this is by far the most important thing to do, it should be at the top of your priority ladder and the only reason that I didn't start the video with this first is that many of you already know about it. But at the same time, many of you are not actually following through and eating enough calories to build muscle. when you don't eat enough calories you risk losing muscle but when you're in a calorie surplus you boost things like testosterone

2 Views · 2 years ago

Learn how to lose weight in 3 easy steps. This video reveals the 3 major keys for burning fat fast. If you're looking to see some weight loss where you can start seeing results in less than a week watch this video. I talk about the best ways to lose weight for men and women at home In 7 days you will notice the results most of which you'll achieve without exercise. Enjoy

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#1: Lower Insulin Levels Through Diet – Fasting 0:35
#2: Reduce Insulin Resistance 7:29
#3: Increase the Amount of Sleep 8:47

Just like any other process burning fat and losing weight requires you to take certain steps to produce the desired result. And based on the thousands of clients that I've worked with in my gyms and online this process can be broken down into 3 major keys that determine whether you will be successful with losing weight and body fat or not. So in today's video I want to give you these 3 keys so you can unlock your bodies full fat burning abilities. If you make sure that you do all three of these things you will burn fat faster than ever before and keep it off permanently. Let's start with the first key. The model for burning fat has always looked like this. If you take too many calories in from food and you don't burn enough calories from exercise you gain fat and vice versa if you have less calories than you burn you'll lose fat. Everyone knows that, we've been told that over and over again since we were little kids. That means that the traditional model suggests that the reason you have excess fat or your carry extra weight is because you have too many calories. And the unspoken reason behind this model for why you have too many calories is because of a lack of willpower. You have excess body fat because it's your fault for not having enough self control and willpower to just consume fewer calories. However, this doesn't match up with your experience. Based on you own personal experience you know that when you have fewer calories you lose a couple pounds and then you usually get stuck. You continue eating fewer calories and feeling like your starving yourself eating bland boring foods you hate, but you never hit your target weight. This goes on for a get discouraged...and then you quit because no one can stay on a restrictive low calorie diet for the long haul especially when its not producing results. Well, guess what I'm here to tell you its not entirely your fault. And I don't mean that in some cliche cheesy way, I mean quite literally its not only because you don't have enough willpower or self control even though for some of you that may be a big contributing factor. Make no mistake you will need will power to burn fat, but this isn't the only cause. In reality if we only look at calories in & calories out your not addressing the core cause of the problem. You see burning fat & losing weight is not just about using willpower to starve yourself by eating less & exercising more, because your body is way too smart for that. Within just a week after decreasing calories coming in your body will automatically decrease calories coming out. Many people refer to this process as your body entering into a so called "starvation mode." This is where your metabolism will slow down causing your fat loss to slow to almost nothing. Not only does your body slow your metabolism & this is proven over & over again in study after study, but it also increases the production of a hormone known as ghrelin. Ghrelins role is to signal your brain to make you feel hungry. So to sum up this whole torturous dieting process up you now have less calories coming in, less calories coming out due to your body responding with a slower metabolism, you're hungrier because of ghrelin, yet you're not burning much fat. In fact the situation begins to feel like you need to keep cutting calories just to maintain your current body fat rather than to lose more. And that's ultimately what discourages you & causes you to quit. Starting the whole cycle over again months later when you're probably in even worse shape than you were before. So what are we missing? Well it turns out your willpower is actually not the core cause of this problem it's actually also a hormonal problem rather than just a calorie problem. Once you understand this fat loss becomes easy & keeping it off is even easier. People think that when calories come in they keep going out until you eat too many calories & then your body starts...

​Insulin index:
Sleep deprivation studies on insulin:
Sleep deprivation study on Ghrelin:

2 Views · 2 years ago

Learn 5 intermittent fasting weight loss tricks to burn fat faster. These tips will help those of you looking to lose weight fast. If you are on the ketogenic diet some of these tips will benefit you as well

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#1 Stick to foods that won’t spike your blood sugar/insulin level – 0:34
#2 Keto fasting – 3:01
#3 Extend the length of your fast – 4:39
#4 Performing fasted workouts – 5:30
#5 Lifting heavy weights – 7:41

You really shouldn't start an intermittent fasting plan......... Well.... at least not until you watch this video because today I'm giving away the top 5 ways that will allow you to burn fat faster while fasting. If you've already tried intermittent fasting and you did it correctly you've probably already noticed some great results. You probably lost some body fat, maybe lost a few pounds off the scale, and you've become more productive in the process.... which is all great. But I know if you could double or triple your results without spending more time in the gym or in the kitchen you would be more than happy to learn how. Am I right? ....I think i'm right. So let's get started with the very first trick... When you break your fast, during your feeding window you want to stick to foods that don't spike your blood sugar, and more importantly don't spike your insulin levels. And those two things aren't always the same. As many of you already know one of the major benefits of fasting is that it'll allow you lower your insulin levels. Insulin is a fat storage hormone that serves as a bridge between your cells and the nutrients coming into your body. Your body will also stop burning fat when insulin levels are elevated. When we fast we are not just looking to lower calories by not eating, even though fasting will definitely do this the main goal of fasting for fat loss is to decrease insulin levels. And there really is no better solution for doing just that, when you simply don't eat your bodies insulin levels are naturally at their lowest. However, what most people don't realize is that even if you fast perfectly, once you break your fast you can spike your blood sugar and insulin levels high enough to cause your body to actually store fat rather than burn it. So if you want to burn fat at the fastest rate the goal has to be to keep your insulin levels low even after breaking your fast. We can do that by understanding some basic principles and then making a decision on what to eat during your feeding window around those key concepts. First let's get the obvious out of the way.... sweets, processed foods, and junk food will spike your insulin levels the highest while providing the lowest amount of nutrients. So if you want to burn fat faster after breaking your fast stick only to real wholesome single ingredient foods. Most of these foods you'll find by sticking to the outside aisles of your local grocery store or supermarket while avoiding the inner aisles. Next you have to know that carbohydrates have the biggest impact on your insulin levels, certain types of dairy have equally as big of an impact, other sources of protein have a moderate impact, and fat has the smallest impact. By not overindulging in carbohydrates and dairy after breaking your fast you'll already be miles ahead of most people. Since fasting is supposed to be a flexible dieting structure, I don't want you to restrict your carbs or dairy to nothing. In fact by doing that it'll probably make you want to have them even more. Instead I want you to break your fast with a large serving of vegetables in order to fill your stomach up and take the edge off your hunger. Then move on to your protein & fat sources, and then if you're still hungry you can move on to some low glycemic carbohydrates & dairy. This will allow you to limit your insulin spikes during your feeding window without actually thinking about it & without restrictions. Let's move on to the second way to burn fat faster that goes hand in hand with the first tip we just went over. I'm talking about keto fasting. Keto fasting is a combination of the ketogenic diet & fasting. This will make your diet a little less flexible because you will have to adhere to a certrain macronutrient split, but it's an incredibly effective way to speed up the amount of fat lost from fasting. Here you would start by setting up a regular intermittent fasting & feeding window. An common example would be to break your fast at 1 o clock & then switch back to fasting at 9 o clock. But during that 8 hour feeding window, with this method you'll actually want to keep your carbohydrate consumption

Studies on fasted training:

2 Views · 2 years ago

This is the #1 Easiest Way to lose weight & belly fat fast. This Ad libitum plan doesn't require strict dieting, counting calories, or crazy amounts of exercise. Learn how to burn fat and reduce your waistline by choosing the best fat burning foods to reduce hunger.

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🍉 List of Most Filling Foods per 100 grams:

If you're serious about losing belly fat I bet you've already started cutting your calories or you're about to start. And even though you can restrict your calories and track every last gram of food that goes into your mouth to eventually burn the fat from all over your body including your midsection, the truth is that tracking and restricting calories can be incredibly difficult to sustain over time. of course, this doesn't change the very well known fact that to lose weight and belly fat, you have to be in a calorie deficit. (1) This is the whole reason why so many trainers have their clients count calories, to begin with. and counting calories can definitely help you reduce the size of your waist because it'll help you ensure that you are in fact in a calorie deficit at all times.

However, many people may not want to count calories for the rest of their lives and there's a huge portion of people that simply don't have the time or desire to do it at all. on top of that even if someone's great at counting calories in the beginning, within a matter of weeks or months chances are very high that they're no longer tracking their calories and macros anymore. and even if you do track everything, calorie counting doesn't inherently make dieting easier. You'll still struggle with hunger cravings that'll make it very difficult to stay on track as time goes on. 

However, the good news is that you don't "have" to count calories to lose weight. even though it can be very beneficial for some people there is another way, an easier way. and that's something known as an optimized ad libitum diet. and for many of you, I'm sure you're wondering What is an ad libitum diet? Well, Ad libitum is Latin for "as you desire" or "at one's pleasure." In other words, ad libitum dieting means you can eat as much food as you want. I know it might sound crazy but stick with me. So, you don't track your macros, but instead, you eat based on hunger.  

Now, given the fact that you must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, it may seem impossible to reduce your belly fat and get slim without focusing on your caloric intake. But that's not true.

By following a set of guidelines, most people can lose belly fat without tracking calories, and without experiencing constant hunger. and you do that by eating foods that are highly satiating. In other words, you want to follow a high-satiety meal plan. and Here’s why; We can view appetite as something that's more or less genetically fixed. You may have a big appetite. You may have a small appetite. Or, like most people, you probably fall somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. Now, imagine your appetite as a tank and pretend that to fill your tank you need to fill it with 100 units of food per day. Each food you eat fills a certain amount of that appetite tank, and some foods fill the tank more than others. Now, Once you've reached those 100 units, you'll feel full and satisfied. But if you don't reach that amount, you're going to feel hungry and you'll want to eat more. The beauty of all of this is that different foods have different satiety values. In other words, some foods satiate hunger better per calories supplied than others. If you only eat foods that score high on the satiety index, which is a ranking of the most satiating foods, if you were to only do that you would reach that 100-unit mark of fullness earlier than if you were to consume low satiety foods. That’s why a high-satiety diet causes you to consume fewer calories while a low-satiety diet promotes overeating.

For example, here's a reference from a study that shows the satiety value of 38 foods. One thing the study found is that potatoes are seven times more satiating than croissants. (3) So even though both potatoes and croissants are relatively fast-digesting carbohydrates you're going to feel a lot fuller eating potatoes over croissants. so, when you place people on an ad libitum diet, their aim is to eat based on food volume. Let's say for example they're choosing between having 4 ounces of pasta, rice, or potatoes. (4) Since potatoes have anywhere from one-third to half the amount of calories that are found in most grain products, they can provide an easy way to reduce your calories without impacting hunger.

We can find the exact opposite with sugar which has almost no effect on satiety at all.

2 Views · 2 years ago

The Only 7 exercises that you need to get a nicer, more attractive glutes. This glute workout with get you a rounder butt fast. This bigger glute workout targets upper and lower portions of the glutes. Whether you're a woman looking for the perfect bubble butt workout or a man trying to add some mass and support for your glutes this video will help.
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Nice round glutes are typically far more attractive than having a flat pancake butt. This preference is often shared by both men and women. And for most people, it appears to be more appealing to have more developed lifted looking glutes rather than underdeveloped saggy glutes. Luckily glutes are not as influenced by genetic potential as other muscles like your calves for example. So you can do a lot to quickly add the proper mass and shape to your glutes while getting a much stronger lower body in the process. So today I want to go over really the only 7 exercises that you need to develop rounder more attractive.     

And the first exercise is by far one of the best Romanian deadlifts. My only warning if you don't normally do this exercise is that it will most likely leave the back of your hamstrings and your glutes really sore, especially the first time around. This is because you'll be loading the muscles with weight while they're in a stretched position, leading to more microscopic tears that you'll be feeling the next day. But after a few workouts, you will get used to it and they're definitely worth doing because Romanian deadlifts are even better at targeting your glutes than regular deadlifts. You'll begin in a similar way to regular deadlifts by stepping up to a loaded barbell. Get your shins close to the bar and plant your feet a little wider than hip-width apart. Unlike regular deadlifts where you would hinge at both the knees and the hips, with Romanian deadlifts you are mostly concentrated on hinging at the hips only and your knees should bend just slightly. Basically just enough to be able to lower the barbell without overstretching your hamstrings. So hinge your hips by pulling them back behind you while slightly bending your knees and keeping your chest up to maintain the neutral arch in your spine. Grab the barbell slightly wider than where your shins meet the bar. Then squeeze your shoulder blades back together, take a deep breath, hold it, and lift the weight up by concentrating on pressing your hips forward and standing upright. Make sure that you're not just lifting with your lower back. Instead, you should squeeze your abs, keep your shoulders retracted, and drive your hips forward. Exhale at the top, then take a deep breath, and lower back down. For most people, it's going to be difficult to tap the ground on each rep due to limited hamstring flexibility so it's also fine to lower the barbell about halfway down your shins before coming back up for the next rep.

Next is an amazing machine that I know many of you are not using for your glutes. The GHR is also known as the glute hamstring raise. As the name implies this exercise will help you develop your glutes without requiring too much additional weight aside from your own body weight. To begin you'll have to adjust the machine so that you end up in the correct position when you climb onto it. You want to adjust it so that when you're laying face foward the front of your thighs end up resting on the pads and your hips end up slightly above the pads hanging off. The further up that you position your hips the tougher the exercise becomes. If you're a beginner just make sure your hip bones end up slightly higher than the pads when doing your reps. Once you've adjusted the machine to your height, you're going to hook the back of your ankles under the pads and press your feet against the metal base. For your starting position, you should be upright with your knees bent. Then lower yourself down around the pads while keeping your core tight to prevent your lower back from rounding. From there you can cross your arms in front of your body, behind your body, or behind your head, if you want a tougher challenge. Then lower your body forward keeping your knees, hips, and back of your neck in a relatively straight line. Remember that this exercise is different from the back hyperextension machine, so you don't want to be bending at your waist. Instead, lower yourself until your knees are straightened and your body is pretty much in a straight line. Then contract your hamstrings and glutes and squeeze yourself back to an upright position and repeat for reps. 

Next we have one of the best unilateral leg exercises that also does wonders for the glutes. Weighted Bulgarian split squats. You can do this exercise by either holding dumbbells at your sides or with a loaded barbell on your traps. To begin you'll stand a few feet in front of a flat bench. Then you'll raise one leg back and plant the...

2 Views · 2 years ago

London Vlog | Sanne Vloet

Hi from London!

Last week I flew into London to spend some quality time with my mom. Ever since I was little we have been listening to ABBA together and now we finally had some time to go watch the hologram show in London. I was not allowed to film there but if you love ABBA like me you should definitely go watch it if you can! It was amazing!

Other than that we just strolled around London eating good food, visiting galleries and enjoying time together. These moments are so important to me since I live far away from my family.



Closed Blazer:
Khaite White Jeans:
Bottega Bag:
Topshop Tank White:
Closed White shirt:
Cuts Hat:
Closed Sneakers:
Le Capsole skirt:
Orange tube top & other stories:
The Frankie shop black pants:

Deliciously Ella bar:
Deliciously Ella bar:

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I used music from Epidemic Sound -
I used music from Music Bed -

2 Views · 2 years ago

Enjoy the first episode of my Thailand Travel Vlog Series. For this episode, I shared about our Bangkok travel itinerary, expenses, requirements and activities. I hope you will enjoy! #travel #travelguide #bangkok #thailand #teambards

1. Passport
2. Vaccination Certification (get it here OR Negative RT-PCR result within 72 hours from your travel date.

1. If fully vaccinated, secure one health pass

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Traveling the Most Perfect Country in the World, Switzerland
Thanks to Liquid IV for sponsoring this vid. Get 25% off here!
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Switzerland is the most perfect country I have ever been to. The water is magnificent, the streets are beyond clean, and the landscapes are straight out of a Disney movie.

If you're traveling Switzerland you must use these companies
Trotti biking and zip line
Canyoning and paragliding

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Todays video is a New England travel vlog! I'll show you some fun things to do in Cape Cod & Nantucket and take you along with us on our summer adventure! This has probably been one of my favorite vacations to date and I hope you enjoy coming along with us! Thank you all so much for watching and I hope you all have a wonderful week! :)

Outfits and Itinerary

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Day 1:

*Similar* Shirts:

Lunch: Anejo:

Nobska Lighthouse:

Downtown Falmouth

Bakery (Maison Villatte):

Parker Beach Lodge:

Day 2:


Dress (striped version sold out but floral patterns still available):

Hi-Lyne Ferry:

Wave Bus:

Took Sconset Bluff Walk to the Sankaty Lighthouse

Lunch: Claudettes Sandwiches

Ice Cream: The Juice Bar

Dinner: Brax Landing:

Day 3:


Breakfast: The Keltic Kitchen:

Nauset Beach

Book I was reading:

Seal Tour:

Truro Vineyards:


Pizza Place (Spiritus Pizza):

Dune Shacks Trail

Day 4:

*Similar* Shirts:

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Life is in the struggle, not the victory. Fight by instinct alone with Udyr, the Spirit Walker.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Horizon Forbidden West Walkthrough Part 1 and until the last part will include the full Horizon Forbidden West Gameplay on PS5. This Horizon Forbidden West Gameplay is recorded in 4K 60FPS on PS5 and will include the full game, all endings and all boss fights.


If you liked the video please remember to leave a Like & Comment, I appreciate it a lot!

Horizon Forbidden West is an action role-playing video game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Explore distant lands, fight bigger and more awe-inspiring machines, and encounter astonishing new tribes as you return to the far-future world of Horizon. It's up to Aloy to uncover the secrets and restore order and balance to the world. Along the way, she must reunite with old friends, forge alliances with warring new factions and unravel the legacy of the ancient past.

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#HorizonForbiddenWest #Gameplay #Walkthrough

2 Views · 2 years ago

Watch the official gameplay reveal for Starfield from the XBOX and Bethesda Games Showcase. Starfield releases on Xbox Series X|S and PC in 2023. Play day one with Game Pass. Learn more:


Into the Starfield Ep. 1: The Endless Pursuit -
Into the Starfield Ep. 2: Made for Wanderers -
Into the Starfield Ep. 3: The Sound of Adventure -

Join Constellation now and be among the first to receive news and updates on Starfield, including developer interviews and behind-the-scenes looks at the game. You can also join our Bethesda Game Studios Discord for access to exclusive AMAs and community conversations.


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2 Views · 2 years ago

Enter the perilous paradise of Skull and Bones, inspired by the Indian Ocean during the Golden Age of Piracy, as you overcome the odds and rise from an outcast to an infamous pirate. Craft a variety of unique ships to survive, thrive, and rule in an immersive world that introduces new challenges and features every season.

For more info, go to:

Skull and Bones will be available November 8 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Stadia, Luna, Epic Games Store, and Ubisoft Connect.


#SkullAndBones #Ubisoft #Gaming

2 Views · 2 years ago

Skull and Bones new gameplay is here but fans are very angry

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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

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2 Views · 2 years ago

hey guys and welcome back to my channel! ❤️
I hope you will like today's video xx

this video is sponsored by Gymshark! check out their latest fits via the link below:

ig: annaneubrt

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by Epidemic Sound

sub count: 177'009
tags: #morningroutine #dayinthelife #productivehabits
day in the life,daily vlog,vlog,anna neubert,anna,morning routine,6am,6am morning routine,school morning routine,college morning routine,5am morning routine,productive morning routine,be more productive,how to be more productive,increase productivity,college routine,dental school,dental student,realistic morning routine,night routine,anna neubert routine

2 Views · 2 years ago

We celebrated Lexi turning 16 in Vegas! This is part 1, it's weird lol
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2 Views · 2 years ago

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2 Views · 2 years ago

#LeikolaIsmo on learning the English language and being confused.

#LeikolaIsmoStandUp from the #JustForLaughs Festival in 2019.

Watch more #StandUp from #JFL :




Just For Laughs is the world’s premiere destination for #standupcomedy. JFL produces the world’s largest and most prestigious comedy event every July in Montreal, as well as annual festivals in Toronto and Sydney. On this channel, you will find comedic clips from some of the most legendary comedians in the business: Chris Rock, Bill Burr, Kevin Hart, and more. We also feature stand-up from newcomers such as John Mulaney, Bo Burnham, and Amy Schumer. If you just want to laugh, you’re in the right place.

Showing 18 out of 23